
Carrington School has always recognised the importance of good attendance and has in place long-established and effective systems to monitor absence, address particular problems and recognise excellence. We have always valued the support we have received from parents over matters of attendance and punctuality and recognise the fact that most children attend school every day. However, please would all parents bear in mind the following:

• We do not authorise absences for holidays taken during the course of the school term.
• We use all available means to ensure young people receive their entitlement to education, including prosecution in rare cases.
• Wherever possible, fix medical appointments for outside school time
• Ensure that your child is in school on time to register with his/her form teacher (students should aim to be on site at least 10 minutes before morning registration at 8.50 a.m.).


Parents are expected to telephone by 9.30 a.m. on the first morning of absence (01737 764356, Option 1) and to supply a written explanation of the student’s absence in the Record Book on return to school. If parents have not contacted the school by 09:30, the computerised telephone system is used. Should parents have reason to believe that their son/daughter is not in school when they should be the relevant Head of Year should be advised. Incidents of truancy and school refusal are also dealt with by the Heads of Year and they will always appreciate parental co-operation at such times.

All students are required to remain on the school site during break and lunch times.

Fixed Penalty Notices

With effect from September 2013, the school will include consideration of fixed penalty notices as outlined in the below document.

Penalty Notice Information Sheet

Leave of Absence Request

As parents, you have a legal responsibility to ensure your child’s attendance at school. During the academic year, pupils are at school for 190 days and at home for 175 days.

Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.

Please download and complete the below form if you want the Headteacher to consider your request for your child’s leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. We may ask for proof to validate your request.

Leave for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form

Please return completed forms electronically to our Attendance Officers at