Aspiring Carrington Experiences

Removing barriers to aspiration, unlocking talent, building skills for the future...

Registered Charity Number 1201744

We set up the ACE Foundation in 2021 knowing many of our young people are facing real barriers to aspiration and self-belief. We want them to have a wider range of life experiences in their early teenage years to allow them to see the possibilities of the world beyond their door, to consider what talent, creativity and energy they themselves have locked inside that they can offer and to build the skill set that we know employers are looking for.

A critical barrier for many young people is funding, but with contributions from local benefactors and businesses, we can make things possible that otherwise wouldn't be within their grasp.

YOU can make a difference by making a donation to the ACE Foundation, and directly impact on a young person's chances of success

Essential skills unlock learning in the classroom, boosting academic outcomes, perseverance and self belief. They halve the likelihood of being out of work, and increase earnings across a lifetime. They even boost wellbeing and life satisfaction. But access to these skills isn’t fair. And where they are missed, it undermines social mobility, productivity and wellbeing. We think everyone, at every stage of their lives, should have the opportunities to build them (ref: Skills Builder Partnership).

Having the experiences that many take for granted, such as visiting the theatre, museum, sports events and exhibitions, and physical activities including sailing, water-sports, or outdoor adventures such as camping and hiking, opens young peoples' minds to the scope of opportunity out there, and what they have within, so they can believe in themselves, build essential skills, and begin to aim higher.

 Paul Walsh is a Warwick School Alumni and successful local entrepreneur who saw the potential in the ACE Foundation idea, and came on board as our Founding Benefactor with a generous starting donation that means we can begin making an impact straight away:

"This is the school I went to as a teenager and I feel a real connection with this community; I got involved with ACE because I want to make sure the talent, innovation and potential among these young people can rise up and make a difference." 

Paul Walsh, co-founder of Jellyfish, Infinity and ACE Founding Benefactor, January 2022

Click here to meet the other Trustees and the Steering Members

Click here to visit the ACE Foundation website