

Thank you for considering Carrington School for the next step in your young person’s education. We are delighted to welcome all prospective students and parents to our school. Open Events and Tour Dates are yet to be confirmed but please check back regularly for updates.

To apply for a school place in the normal round of admissions (Year 7), contact Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1004 or visit their website for further information. 

In-Year Applications 

If you are seeking a place for your young person as an In-Year Admission, please read the SMA Guidance Notes below, complete the SMA In-Year Application Form and email or post this to our Admissions Officer, Mrs Carter at Mrs Carter will then contact you to advise whether we have any spaces in the year group you require. 

Once a place has been allocated, parents/carers are required to complete an online admission form, and will be invited to Carrington School to attend an Admission Meeting with a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

For more information on our admission arrangements, please download our policy below, which is in line with Surrey's policy.

SMA Guidance Notes

SMA In-Year Application Form

If you would like to contact Carrington School’s Admissions Officer, please call us on 01737 764356 and select the Admissions option, or you can email

Details about how we manage the personal data you provide can be found in our Data Protection Policy.