Governors & Trust

Governing Body for 2024-2025

Chair of Governors - Bal Hegedus-Pickvance

Vice-Chair of Governors - Will Henton

Status Name Expiry Date
Parent Balazs Hegedus-Pickvance 05.03.2025
Parent Will Henton 22.01.2028
Headteacher Kerry Oakley Ex-Officio
Co-opted Jayne Dickinson 19.03.2027
Co-opted Anthony Evangelista 28.11.2026
Co-opted Adrian Hill 19.03.2027
Co-opted David Hitchcock 10.03.2028
Co-opted Laura Macintyre 30.06.2028
Co-opted  Kevin Standish 31.08.2027
Parent  Matthew Tucker 05.03.2025
Parent  Hilton Vera 04.02.2025
Co-opted Sarah Walters 19.03.2027
Staff Charlotte Williams 05.03.2025
Co-opted Ruth Willis 21.04.2026
Clerk to Governors  Laura Marchese  


Full information on our Governing Body including committee membership, special responsibilties, meeting dates and attendance can be found in the documents below. 

2024-2025 Governors Meeting Schedule

Register of interests 2024-2025

Carrington Governing Body - membership and special responsibilities


Governing Body Diversity Statement

23% Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic  / 77% White

40% Female / 60% Male

Become a Governor

The Governing Board plans the strategic direction of a school, makes sure public money is well spent, and holds school leadership to account. A strong governing board ensures robust debate, which in turn leads to better educational outcomes for children.

Whatever your professional background, your skills could transform our school.

If you would like to know more about what is involved in being a school governor, please click here.

To register interest in, or find out more about, becoming a governor at Carrington School, please email the Clerk to the Governors Laura Marchese 

South East Surrey Schools Education Trust (SESSET)

South East Surrey Schools Education Trust (SESSET) was formed by the Governing Bodies of The Ashcombe School, Dorking, Therfield School, Leatherhead and Carrington School (previously The Warwick School), Redhill, and became operational on 1 January 2017.

Please click the links below for more information on SESSET.

SESSET Members and Trustees

DfE information about SESSET




Joint Statement from The Ashcombe, Therfield and Carrington School

South East Surrey Schools Education Trust (SESSET) was formed by the Governing Bodies of The Ashcombe School, Dorking, Therfield School, Leatherhead and Carrington School (previously The Warwick School), Redhill, and became operational on 1 January 2017.

There has been widespread support from parents, staff and other interested parties in the local communities in the light of the wider political educational situation that the three schools were being pro-active in forming a partnership which enabled them to work together whilst maintaining their own identity and ethos.

SESSET has been in operation for a year now, and parents and young people have seen only the benefits of collaborative partnership with minimal impact on the day to day life of our communities. The name of the schools, their uniforms, school days, headteachers and staff remained as they were, as have our relationships with all those schools, colleges and other organisations with whom we have collaborated so positively in the past.

The key changes for the schools are largely of a legal and governance nature.

The formation of our trust has been an exciting opportunity to further improve the life chances of our young people and to support one another in a wider variety of ways. Our fierce pride in the unique, individual ethos of each of our schools and our commitment to common values rooted in inclusivity and collaborative partnership will be enhanced and strengthened through the formality of this powerful partnership.

Formal Information

Therfield School, The Ashcombe School and Carrington School have formed, and are part of, South East Surrey Schools Education Trust (SESSET), a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10479401. The registered address is The Ashcombe School, Ashcombe Road, Dorking Surrey, RH4 1LY.