Prospective Families

Open Evening

We will be holding our traditional Open Evening on Thursday 19 September between 5pm and 8pm. Headteacher talks are at 6pm and 7pm. No need to book, just come along at any time from 5pm

Open Mornings

Our Open Morning Tours are a really popular way for prospective families to see the school during a normal working day. We will be offering Tours at 9am and at 10.30am, on 1, 2 & 3 October and again in the following week on 8, 9 & 10 October.

Click here to book onto one of our Tours!





If you'd like to arrange a visit to us outside of these dates and times, you can call or email Mrs Halls, PA to the Head Teacher

There's more information on our Transition page that prospective parents may find helpful.