Art in the Community
A group of students joined artist Tim Stilling (trade name Stubble) on Monday to take part in a project as part of Redhill Safer Streets, funded by the Home Office to boost town centres and reduce anti-social behaviour and crime.
The project is to paint St Matthews Pavilion in Memorial Park which is a disused building, currently neglected and attracting graffiti artists. Research shows that using art in public spaces makes the public feel more secure in using spaces and that these are less likely then to be targets for graffiti and anti-social behaviour and so, the Memorial Park Project came to life.
During the workshop Tim gave students prompts to come up with a drawing that shows what they want on the mural. The students started on their designs in the session and have taken them home to finish and Tim will collate all the ideas into one glorious design.
Once painting is underway – the students will be asked to come to the park and see it come to life.
Keep an eye out for what is sure to be a great piece of art!