Exploring eSwatini

8th August 2024

As the GCSE exams came to an end, a small group of Year 11s and two members of staff set off on a three-week expedition to eSwatini (formerly Swaziland). This particular adventure proved to be more challenging than anticipated due to unexpected bushfires, however, the team showed remarkable bravery, resilience, and strength of character throughout their stay, creating lasting memories of their experience. These opportunities not only help develop inner strength but also foster strong bonds with peers and the dedicated staff who support them.

Here is an account of only some of the adventures the group had...

Possibly the hardest part of the trip was the challenging four-day, 40km trek through the Malolotja Nature Reserve. The trek tested our endurance and strengthened our bond as a team but we were rewarded with an exhilarating canopy tour and zip line through the Reserve.

We also enjoyed a 10km hike at the Milwane Nature Reserve where we saw zebras, crocodiles, wildebeest, and impalas up close. The beauty and diversity of the wildlife here really was something.

One of the most memorable aspects of our trip was the Community Project. The locals welcomed us with music and dance, sharing their rich cultural heritage. It was magical to see our students eagerly joining in and it was here that we were able to really make an impact on the community as we started building the foundation for a new kitchen.

While in the community we participated in a local church service and visited a homestead where we even had the chance to watch the Euros final, a unique blend of local culture and global sports!

Our safari through Hlane National Park was a highlight of the trip. Witnessing the sunrise and sunset while spotting warthogs, rhinos, hippos, lions, giraffes and elephants was an unforgettable experience.

We concluded our adventure with a visit to Mantegna Cultural Village. Here, we explored vibrant markets and admired the intricate craftsmanship of Swazi candles. It was a perfect end to our journey, encapsulating the rich cultural tapestry of eSwatini.