Focus on Phoenix: HQ Visits

22nd May 2024

This term saw the Phoenix Project students visit the Headquarters of Marks & Spencer in London and Surrey County Council in Woodhatch. 


During our recent visit to the M&S headquarters, students had the opportunity to meet various employees and learn about the diverse roles within the company. Each professional provided valuable insights into their daily responsibilities and the skills required for their jobs.

One of the highlights of the visit was the chance to rate different products and understand the process behind their creation.

Additionally, a visit to an M&S store provided students with inspiration for their own product ideas. Observing the store layout, product displays, and customer interactions offered practical insights into what makes a product appealing and marketable. Armed with this newfound knowledge, students worked in teams to design a new product, which they then presented to the M&S employees who voted for their favorite product design.


Next up was a visit to Surrey County Council’s Headquarters in Woodhatch. Students had the opportunity to meet various employees and gain insight into the diverse range of jobs within the Council, highlighting the importance of each position in providing essential services to the community.

One of the most engaging aspects of the visit was the team-based activity where students interviewed different employees and were tasked with guessing their roles. This interactive exercise not only fostered teamwork and communication skills but also provided a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and daily tasks associated with different positions. It was fascinating to see the variety of roles and how they all interconnected to support the council's mission.

We also learned about the council's 'Greener Futures' initiative, which aims to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility within the community. This forward-thinking program is leading to the creation of new jobs over the next few years.