Uniform Up-Date
18th August 2021

We're delighted to present to you the full new Carrington Skirt Uniform and Trouser Uniform. We think this is a distinctive and very smart look! This is for our incoming Year 7 students, and any Year 8 & 9 students who no longer fit into their Warwick uniforms.
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly if you’ve been following the news, there are some considerable delays to our uniform supplies due to a range of shipping and logistic factors that are way beyond control. There is an extract from the letter from the manufacturer, Banner, below, that provides more detail about the difficulties they are experiencing.
We will therefore be as lenient as possible as we start back in September regarding our approach to uniform, as it is unlikely everyone will have everything they need by then. All parents and carers have been emailed today with further information about that.
Extract of the letter from Banner, the uniform manufacturer:
"I’m afraid that the delays to your garments are not within our control. We have brought production forward wherever possible to try to offset the worldwide shipping crisis that has been well documented both in the press and on the news. However, in some instances and despite our best efforts, the shipping delays mean that garments are running late.
The issue with shipping is multifaceted. There is a massive shortage of containers in the Far East due to containers being in the wrong place as a result of the pandemic. This situation has been exacerbated by the temporary closure of the Suez Canal which further impacted shipping schedules and has seen increased port congestion. In addition, lockdowns in the Far East have impacted travel and caused freight restrictions, particularly in China where the temporary closure of Yantian Port has had far reaching implications to other ports, freight and shipping. Finally, once product reaches the UK, there is a severe lack of drivers to move finished goods which isn’t helping to alleviate congestion in our own ports.
It really is a perfect storm that has had an enormous impact on shipping and to a lesser extent manufacturing. Whilst it is no comfort to your customers, these delays are being faced by multiple industries as well as all Schoolwear suppliers, in one way or another."