Consulting with Parents
We believe it is important to review our young people’s progress continuously and to provide regular feedback for parents and students to understand where they are, where they could get to, and how to do that. In this way we can work together to ensure that students are being challenged and encouraged to achieve their best, as well as developing personally and socially.
We report formally to parents and carers on a number of occasions in each academic year with Progress Reports and a Parent-Teacher Meeting. This meeting may be online or face-to-face.
When we report on your young person’s progress throughout the year you will be given the teacher’s judgement on the student’s Attitude to Learning.
Guide to Understanding our KS3 Student Reports
Guide to Understanding Year 10 Student Reports
Guide to Understanding Year 11 Student Reports
In addition to regularly feeding back on homework and class work, we hold formal examinations in the Summer Term each year and students improve their revision and examination techniques through tests and assessments throughout the year.
Our teaching staff meet to review students’ progress formally each term. Students agree targets for the term with their form Tutor.
Additionally parents are notified of teaching sets in individual subjects and of any changes to these. Teaching sets are kept under review and can be changed at any time during the year.
At any time, we welcome contact from parents and carers to discuss progress, attainment and well-being.