Rewards & Behaviour
The Carrington Way
How we do things at Carrington, to be true to our values and pursue our purpose, is encapsulated in these seven edicts. We expect all members of our community to be familiar with these, and to be guided by them at all times.
Our staff will
- Demonstrate respect for our school and community at all times by following The Carrington Way
- Maintain high expectations and be aspirational for both students and staff
- Promote and uphold the school’s values and rules at all times
- Act impartially, fairly and respectfully at all times
- Deliver the Carrington Teaching Strategy
- Plan and implement a range of innovative activities to engage students
- Set and acknowledge homework to support progress, wider understanding and to raise aspirations
- Report concerns immediately
- Keep parents informed of concerns or praise on a regular basis
Our students will
- Demonstrate respect for our school and community at all times by following The Carrington Way
- Arrive to school and lessons on time
- Work hard, be innovative and complete all classwork to the best of their ability
- Aspire to get involved, ask questions and challenge themselves
- Complete their homework
- Meet their target bands; then, know what they need to do and how to improve to reach their aspirations
- Work independently and collaboratively
- Wear correct school uniform at all times
- Report concerns or issues to staff as soon as appropriate to do so
Our parents and carers will
- Demonstrate respect for our school and community at all times by following The Carrington Way
- Promote and support the school’s values and rules
- Support students’ aspirations and future goals
- Ensure students are adequately equipped for school
- Ensure students arrive on time and in correct uniform
- Provide opportunities and spaces for students to work independently and innovatively outside of school
- Engage respectfully with teachers over the phone, email or at Parents Evenings
- Respond to questionnaires and surveys about the school
- Respectfully report concerns to the school and avoid airing grievances on social media
In lessons our students will
- Demonstrate respect for our school and community at all times by following The Carrington Way
- Begin the Do It Now task as soon as they sit down or enter the room
- Sit in the seat they are assigned to
- Put their hand up to ask innovative questions
- Get involved in class discussions and respect other students’ opinions
- Have all of their equipment including a school bag
- Complete all of the work set to the best of their ability
- Aspire to complete the Ad Astra tasks set in each of their lessons
Outside of lessons and in the community we will
- Demonstrate respect for our school and community at all times by following The Carrington Way
- Aspire to be an ambassador for the school in the local community and online
- Walk on the left, holding doors open for people
- Be polite, say please and thank you
- Think about what and how we say things - be respectful: no bad language and keep voices low
- No touching, pushing or any banter that might hurt someone either physically or emotionally
- Be kind and respectful to everyone in our community and beyond
- Politely listen to others, following instructions when given
- Only eat and drink in The Observatory or outside, not in classrooms or corridors
- Not engage in anti-social behaviour both in public and online
- Communicate our innovative ideas about how we can continually improve our school community to our School Council representatives
How we use mobile phones
- Mobile communication devices are not to be used during the school day, in corridors or between lessons
- Students may use their mobile communication device at break or lunch and before or after school, in The Observatory or outside
- Headphones/earbuds may not be worn unless for medical reasons (cards will be issued to keep in lanyards where this is the case) other than in The Observatory and outside
- Students must not walk around with headphones in/on, nor should they wear them in the lunch queue or in lessons unless directed to do so as part of the lesson
- A teacher may wish students to use their device in a lesson, this will be supervised and to support the learning
- Photos/videos are not allowed to be taken of yourself, or each other, or of staff at any time
We will respect our uniform by
- Wearing blazers at all times around the school site
- Only removing blazers in lessons with the teacher’s permission
- Wearing leather shoes
- Ensuring that skirts are not rolled up
- Ensuring that shirts are tucked in
- Wearing lanyards around the neck at all times
- Wearing coats only outside or in The Observatory from September to the beginning of March and removing them whilst in corridors and before entering the classroom
- Keeping coats in lockers after the beginning of March and not wearing them in the school buildings
Our Home School Agreement
Aspire |
Innovate |
Respect |
Students will
The school will
Parents & carers will
Anti Bullying
Rewards and Sanctions
All rewards and sanctions are allocated on our MIS Arbor so that parents and students can see a full picture of behaviour at school.
We aim to recognise effort and academic achievement, success in a range of activities, and care and helpfulness in the school community.
Rewards include
- Praise and recognition from staff members to acknowledge contributions
- Credits awarded under the categories of Aspire, Innovate and Respect
- Certificates and Awards for success in specific activities
- Annual Awards including those for Attendance and Punctuality
- Postcards and Letters Home recognising excellent effort and achievement
- Headteacher’s Tea for excellent work, nominated by teachers
- Privileges such as Lunch Passes to go the front of the queue in The Observatory
We expect students to show courtesy, care and consideration to all members of the community and to adhere to the school rules. Any choice not to comply will result in consequences.
Sanctions can include
- Learning Discussions
- Detentions for 1 hour
- Monitoring Reports to Tutors, Heads of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team
- Withdrawal of privileges such as social time
- Community Service
- Suspensions– temporary from lessons with Heads of Year; to another school or a Fixed Term Exclusion (FTE) from school for up to 5 days
- In extreme cases, Permanent Exclusion (automatic for dealing in illegal drugs for profit)
Support for Learning
We recognise that some students will find school challenging because of circumstances beyond their control. To support them during these periods, we have systems in place to ensure they are referred in a timely manner.
Emotional Support is offered to students via referral – this can include external agencies – where there is an underlying concern that needs discussion and students needs regular check-ins (often weekly) to support them through a difficult period. Sessions typically last for six to eight weeks.
Counselling is offered to students through staff referral or self-referral. Sessions are not limited to a set number of sessions. Instead counsellors respond according to student need. We work with two fully qualified counsellors from Relate Counselling who are experienced at working with young people of secondary school age. The service is confidential.
The School Nurse Service is available to students via via referral by a member of the Year Team.
Peer-Mentoring is offered to students who need guidance from other young people. Often this is to support their transition into secondary school but is available at any time on their Carrington journey. Our current Peer mentors are from Year 9 and Year 11 and are working with Year 7 to support their transition
Volunteer Support from SparkFish (based centrally in Redhill) who join us at lunchtime and create a supportive and friendly environment in which students can play games and discuss topics of their choice. They also support students via a mentoring programme either 1:2:1 or in small groups.
YMCA support our students on two days a week. Wellbeing Co-ordinator and a Youth Work Mentor see up to 10 students on a referral basis. We also have a two Year Groups who work with WAVES in group-work sessions.
BeMe Project support once a week – wo groups across two Year Groups on building self-esteem and confidence through a structured programme.